紅網(wǎng)時刻新聞記者 樊令鈺 實習記者 張陳楠
On August 15th this year, we will celebrate the first “National Ecology Day”.
Eighteen years ago on this day, Xi Jinping, who was then the secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, first proposed the concept of “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” during an inspection tour in Yucun.
Today, 18 years later in China, the important notion of “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” has deeply taken root in people"s hearts.
Jointly build ecological civilization and share a green future. Let"s take a look at the efforts made by Hunan Province in the process of ecological civilization construction.
More than 900 years ago, Fan Zhongyan vividly described the magnificent scenery of Dongting Lake in his essay Memorial to Yueyang Tower, “Dongting, nibbling at the distant hills and gulping down the Yangtze River, strikes all beholders as vast and infinite, presenting a scene of boundless variety with ever-changing views in the morning and evening.”
In order to protect the clear waters, starting from 2020, Yueyang, located at the confluence of the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake, has been promoting the withdrawal of chemical enterprises along the river, encouraging their transformation and upgrade. This has ensured a balance between ecological protection and economic development, allowing the poetic and beautiful scenery to last forever.
In 2022, Hunan Province has established 175 nature reserves with a total area of 1.4932 million hectares, which plays a crucial role in the protection of natural ecology and biodiversity in the province.
In January 2023, three Yangtze finless porpoises were spotted in the Changsha Wangcheng section of the Xiangjiang River. They are known as the “pandas in water” and their presence is an important sign of the continuous improvement of the Xiangjiang River"s aquatic environment.
今年7月28日,以“低碳 循環(huán) 發(fā)展”為主題的第四屆湖南國際綠色發(fā)展博覽會在長沙市正式開幕。此次綠博會展示了湖南以綠色低碳描繪“三高四新”美好藍圖,用青山綠水扮靚三湘四水的生動實踐。
On July 28th of this year, the fourth Hunan International Green Development Expo with the theme of “Low Carbon, Circulation, Development” officially opened in Changsha. This Green Expo showed Hunan’s beautiful blueprint of “Three Hubs and Four New Missions” through green and low-carbon development, and vividly demonstrated how green mountains and clear waters can beautify Hunan province.
圖片來源:人民網(wǎng) 向宇 攝
守得青山見月明,水清河暢繪美景。株洲神農谷、邵陽崀山、岳陽君山島、瀏陽大圍山、衡陽衡山、張家界武陵源等風景點均堅持原生態(tài)自然美的生態(tài)保護理念, 為湖南省呈現(xiàn)出了一幅幅壯美秀麗的山河畫卷。
Preserving green mountains and clear waters ensures a beautiful landscape. Scenic spots in Hunan Province, such as Shennong Valley in Zhuzhou, Langshan Mountain in Shaoyang, Junshan Isle in Yueyang, Dawei Mountain in Liuyang, Hengshan Mountain in Hengyang, and Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie, adhere to the ecological protection concept of preserving the natural beauty of the original ecology. They have presented many magnificent and beautiful landscape paintings of mountains and rivers in Hunan Province.
Our province will also launch a special lecture entitled Ecological Prosperity Leads to Civilization Prosperity for primary and secondary school students across the province. This is to inspire students to participate in the protection of the ecological environment and to establish a strong awareness of ecological civilization from an early age.
Protecting the ecological environment and building a beautiful Hunan is the responsibility of every one of us.
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